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Having a child is a dream come true but there could be times where your child is genetically programmed to have certain medical complications and to avoid this surprise, the concept of genetic testing comes into picture. Prepregnancy Genetic testingin Guntur is done by obstetrician in Guntur on the blood samples to decipher if the candidate has any genetic disease that they are carrying. The formulae for calculating the probability is quite simple, in case of a certain disease, if both the parents are non carriers, the child won’t have the disease, if one of the parent is carrier and other is not, even in this case the child might not have the disease however, if both the parents are carriers, the child has a 25% probability of being born with that condition.

Some of the most common genetic diseases include:

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Tay-Sachs disease
  • Spinal muscular atrophy
Pre Pregnancy Genetic Counseling in Guntur

Genetic testing is usually recommended by gynaecology specialist in Guntur before couples start planning a family, this can help determine if the child could have a tendency to have a genetic disorder. However, in case of an unplanned pregnancy, best fertility doctors in Guntur recommend getting the genetic testing done in the initial phases of the pregnancy.

Specialists at fetal medicine hospitals in Guntur are available to discuss on the reasons or need to get genetic testing done in the event that:

  • You are worried because of an inherited condition that is in your family.
  • You already have a child who is having a genetic disorder.
  • A close relative has an intellectual developmental issue or disability.
  • There is an abnormal scans or reports from the first scans or tests.
  • You have taken some kind of drugs or medication or have been exposed to certain chemicals during pregnancy.

During genetic counselling, you specialist would:

  • Go through the family history and records with you.
  • Set up the right genetic tests that are required.
  • Analysing and deciphering the results of the tests.
  • Helping parents or future parents understand the risks and complications and also to help them take a right decision.
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